About Our Church

To know Christ and make him known as a budding/growing community of inquiring, dedicated and united people: listening respectfully to understand our world today and the Holy Spirit within each of us.

Our Mission

We, of the  Community United Methodist Church of Oakdale, California seek to know Christ and Make Christ known by faithfully inviting all others to participate in the work of our church, that we may make and equip disciples of Christ for the transformation of the world.

1. Loving God with all our hearts, minds, souls and strength, by loving all others, just as we love ourselves, and by the keeping of these, God’s tenets

2. Increasing our knowledge of God’s call to us through our bible studies, our faithful attendance of church worship services, by our participation in those services, and by responding faithfully to God’s call

3. Faithfully committing our spiritual gifts, talents, abilities, and resources to all the ministries, worship, and activities of our church, the Body of Christ, in sacred covenant with God, and in sacred covenant with one another

4. By serving and seeking those in our community and beyond who are in physical or spiritual need without regard to disposition, race, age, sex, handicaps, or religious background, for God through Christ did also seek to heal and save all those of this world without prejudice or discrimination, even to the sacrifice of God’s own son on the cross

To reach across barriers and borders, in ecumenical harmony, in service to the world, for we are all one in Christ

Four Pillars of Methodism

SCRIPTURE We seek to discover the word of God through reading the Bible. God has spoken to us through his word, contained in the Old and New Testaments. Through them, God teaches us about himself and his glorious plan to make all things new, to right all wrongs, to bring us into communion with himself. They teach us about how Christ came to earth, lived a righteous and perfect life, and died on the cross to save sinners. Finally, they teach us how we are to live in response to his glorious grace. 

TRADITION This is the wisdom and creativity of Christians over time and across the world. It includes inspirational material like hymns, songs, prayers, poetry, Christian art and devotional books,. There are also formally agreed teachings like the creeds, the content of the catechism, and statements and reports from the Methodist Conference.

REASON We are called to love God with our minds as well as with our hearts. To the best of our ability we need to think things through in the light of reason. This means becoming aware of different points of view, and using our own critical thinking to make sense of God’s world.

EXPERIENCE Methodism particularly stresses the importance of our own experience of God’s grace working in our lives. We gain wisdom and maturity from life experience, especially when we pray and reflect about our story with other Christians.

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

– PSALM 23

Who We Are

Our Team and Leadership

Pastor Jeff Holder

Pastor Jeff Holder

Pastor Jeff Holder comes from the Bay Area and is a licensed local pastor for the United Methodist Church.  He has been serving in lay and appointed capacities for the past 7+ years.  He is currently in the Masters Program at Claremont School of Theology.

He serves as the pastor for Riverbank FUMC and Oakdale CUMC.

Jim Austin

Jim Austin

Lay Leader & Praise Team

Doug Kolsters

Doug Kolsters

Admin Counsel Chair & Praise Team Director

Ann Butler

Ann Butler

UWF Chair & Praise Team

Glenn Gorman

Glenn Gorman

Community Outreach Liaison